My name is Ying Fang. I grew up in Wuhu, China, and have spent the last 10ish years in the United States. I am currently an Assistant Professor at Rosalind Franklin University. This website is for sharing my academic and personal experiences including:

  • Research in Biomechanics, engineering, and health science
  • Thoughts on being in academia
  • Free time passion: rock climbing!


My research aims to understand and modify movements to help people improve performance, prevent injuries, and live an active and happy life.

This applies to those with disabilities, older adults, athletes, and the general population including myself. Crepe

Academic Life

I had a pretty winding path throughout my education/academic career.

Starting with a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology at the Shanghai University of Sport. I continued pursuing a master’s degree with more focus on Biomechanics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. During my master’s, my interests shifted towards the engineering side, and that drove me to get a PhD in biomedical engineering at WPI Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Lab. From 2019 to 2022, I worked as a postdoc at NAU Biomechatronics Lab while learning to be a more independent researcher, which involved many grant application attempts and a successful NIH F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship. In 2023, I moved from Flagstaff, AZ to Chicago, IL to start a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Physical Therapy Department. The transition was quite smooth and we shall see what is yet to come.

At a very young age, being a professor/scientist was my top career choice. I’m a little surprised and glad that this hasn’t changed after many years. Despite moments of self-doubt, it’s been a fun ride so far.

Rock Climbing

For me, rock climbing is an element that balances the (sometimes overwhelming) academic life, a way to know myself and push limits, and a medium to connect with nature and friends.

I like to follow the latest research and apply them to improve my own performance. In the long-term, I hope to integrate research AND climbing and be the one to contribute! Crepe